Getting FAA Approval

Any new build, major modification, or installation on an aircraft has to be certified by the FAA to make it airworthy. The certification could be a Type Certification (TC), Supplemental Type Certification (STC), or a major modification and repair (Form 337). 

Delegated Engineering Representatives

Our on-staff Delegated Engineering Representatives (DERs) can create and approve certifications for all 14CFR Part 23, 25, 26, 27, and 29 aircraft. We have successfully managed and supported many certification programs. 

Full Service Certification

Our engineers handle everything involved:

  • Obtaining a Structural Type Certificate (STC)
  • Obtaining a Parts Manufacturing Authorization (PMA)
  • Certifying major repairs and modifications

As a complete certification service, we provide project certification, FAA coordination, and reviews.

DER Services

  • Structures
  • Management
  • Mechanical Systems
  • Electrical

Certification Documentation Services

  • Certification Plans
  • Compliance Check List
  • Structural analysis reports (including DTA)
  • Electrical load analysis reports
  • Material qualification reports
  • PMA reports
  • Flight manual supplement
  • Weight and balance

Supporting Your Ongoing Efforts

If you have ongoing efforts that need support, we offer certification documents as needed. Our DER can provide review and approval quickly so your project can stay on track without delay.

DER Part 23, 25, 26, 27 and 29 Delegations

  1. Structures, Static Structural Analysis, Major Repairs and Alterations, Damage Tolerance Analysis, Parts, Manufacturing Authorization
  2. Mechanical Systems
  3. Electrical
  4. Management
  5. Project Management